Saturday 20 January 2018

ARM CEO talks Meltdown/Spectre, IoT and the AI

At CES, we talked to the ARM CEO Simon Segars about the Meltdown/Spectre attacks and their effect on the chips that are based on the company's design. We also talked about what ARM can do to prevent these attacks in the future and where Segars sees the next big business opportunities for his company.
by TechCrunch via Endless Supplies .Com .Au - Brands
by (Endless Supplies Com Au) via EndlessSupplies.Com.Au
by (Endless Supplies Com Au) via EndlessSupplies.Com.Au
by (Endless Supplies Com Au) via EndlessSupplies.Com.Au
by (Endless Supplies Com Au) via EndlessSupplies.Com.Au
by (Endless Supplies Com Au) via EndlessSupplies.Com.Au

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